General Medicine Monthly Online Assessment

Name -Bhavya Ranjan
Roll - 17
Semester - third

Q1) Review  of answers to the questions based on the following  case:


Case :

Review :

Condition  of  myelopathy hand, finger escape and Hoffman's reflex are explained  very well . Its causes and features are properly  explained with the help of pictures for better understanding. 


 Review :
Case :
She has a history of diabetes and high blood pressure. After a thorough inspection of all systems and the necessary tests, a diagnosis of potential right heart failure and bronchiectasis was made. RHF was caused by an increase in the burden on the right heart caused by obstructive lung disease.Diuretics, steroids, and antibiotics were prescribed as needed to manage the symptoms. Chest physiotherapy, thiamine, and head end elevation were all advised as further treatments. The patient was properly evaluated, and appropriate investigations were conducted. All of the symptoms were treated, and I believe the case was handled well.


Case :

In this case pathophysiology  , gaba system and thiamine system are explained  accurately . History of present  illness and evolution of symptomology are also mentioned. Although it would have been better if some pictures were added for better understanding. 


Case :

Review :

The condition of the patient is well-explained. The patient's condition improved and he was discharged after several symptoms were addressed with proper medication. The patient had satisfactory treatment, and his recovery will be contingent on his compliance with the medication prescribed at the time of release


Case :


This is a case of female with seizures . The whole case is presented very systematically . Required  tests are done and reports are also uploaded  which helps alot to understand  the case . Everything  is explained very efficiently. 




The difference between heart failure with preserved ejection fractions and reduced ejection fraction  is explained very clearly with the help of many pictures and charts . The case is also presented very well . History of present illness , required tests  and medication are also mentioned. 



The case is presented  nicely but no pictures are there to explain the condition  better . Pathophysiology and history of present illness is mentioned. 


Case :

The case is presented  very neatly and systematically with pictures of reports of investigations which were done. Everything  is explained very nicely .



Anatomical localisation  and primary etiology  is explained  very nicely  by text, but it would have been better if some pictures  and charts were there. Case is presented  neatly and systematically with proper use of pictures. 



The case is presented  very neatly and systematically with pictures of reports of investigations which were done. Everything  is explained very nicely .

Q2) Eblog

(Because of less number of cases two people had to share a case. I and Sravani,  Roll 15, shared same case )

Q3) Evaluation of report of following  case :

History of present  illness is presented  very well. The images of diagnostic  tests are also presented , which make it easier to understand the case.

Hypertensive neuropathy describes  clinical syndrome which is characterized by longterm essential  hypertension. It develops  due to - Glomerular ischemia , Glomerular hypertension and Glomerular hypertension.

Uremic Encephalopathy is an organic brain illness caused by the accumulation of toxins ordinarily removed by the kidneys. It occurs in patients with renal failure when creatinine clearance falls below 15 mL/min. Uremia is the last stage of increasing renal insufficiency, which can lead to multiorgan failure, due to accumulation of protein metabolites. Uremic encephalopathy is one of the main cause of kidney failure.

The above information  is extracted from various sites.

Q4) Diagnostic and Therapeutic Intervention

Diagnostic steps -

ECG - for left ventricular hypertrophy

Urine Analysis - for microalbunemia 

CBC - for anemia and any infection 

Q5) Testing scholarship competence in logging  reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month.

This project has taught me the fundamentals of clinical practise, such as taking a patient's history, presenting a case, and approaching a patient, among other things. Because we are unable to visit offline postings and meet the patients in person due to the pandemic, this form of eblogs has been of tremendous assistance, as we are able to take up a case and convey it in this manner even though we are not physically there in the hospital. I learned about taking a history, analysing a case, presenting a case, and a few diseases. Because it provides us with early clinical exposure, this style of learning will undoubtedly aid us in becoming better clinicians. Due to the lack of patient involvement, I have no such observations as of yet, but I anxiously anticipate them.


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